Thank you for your patience while we've been rebuilding our Android app, we're pleased to announce the relaunched app is now available to download from the Google Play store.
Due to continuing feature issues on Android devices we have taken the decision to temporarily remove the ability to make calls from our Android application as of the 8th January 2020.
In the short term our Android engineers are now focussing their efforts on a new version of the Android app with a more stable calling experience - this means we won’t be committing time to addressing known issues in the current app version.
If you're an existing customer and would like to continue to use the dialler within your Android application we can re-enable this on a case by case basis. If you choose to do this, you will continue to receive updates to your Android application but the dialler functionality is offered on a non-supported basis, this means that if you experience issues as per this status update you will continue to experience these until we have solved our ongoing issues.
A full overview of the reasons is given below as well as an FAQ feature explaining how you can continue to use CircleLoop.
CircleLoop have offered an Android application to our users since 2017. Android 10 is the tenth major release and the 17th version of the Android mobile operating system. It was released on September 3, 2019. Since this release we have experienced a high volume of customer issues with the operating system specifically around areas such as;
Call Queuing - issues may occur if a SIM call comes in while a CircleLoop call is in progress.
Ringtones - a change to the way ringtones are selected in Android 10 has resulted in a number of issues. These include now having to choose separate ringtones for queued calls, incoming calls, SMS.
Permissions Due to the nature of how various manufacturers 'wrap' Android with their own software, users may have to enable/disable specific settings to give CircleLoop the relevant permissions it needs
Multiple Device Manufacturers - The number of device manufacturers on Android (including HTC, Huawei, Samsung, Sony, OnePlus and many others) is growing quickly, this means that devices are not uniform on how they handle third party applications such as CircleLoop, our team require a period of time to understand all these devices better and to enable CircleLoop to perform on each of the to our satisfaction.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I continue to use CircleLoop if I am an Android user?
In short Yes. Our application is available to be used via your desktop device (which is the format we recommend). You can still use your android application to view settings and call history and you can set up a call forwarding to ensure that you can still answer calls to your CircleLoop number on your Android device.
Can I make outbound calls via CircleLoop on my Android device?
No. The dial pad functionality will no longer be available as of 8th January 2020
Can I receive inbound calls? What is call forwarding?
Call forwarding enables your customers to call your CircleLoop number and this is then presented as a call on your mobile device (you can even choose to have these calls announced if you wish)
This is actually a more reliable way of using a mobile device with CircleLoop as it does not rely on mobile data or wifi.
The cost of forwarding calls is included in our £15 unlimited package and is 3p per minute in our £5 pay as you go package.
I need some further advice on this change, can you assist?
Our customer success team are available to assist you and can be contacted at or 0333 050 60 70